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If your internet browser is Internet Explorer 9+:
1. Click the Tools wheel > Internet Options
2. Select Privacy tab then click the Sites button
3. Enter ‘’ into the text box
4. Click Allow
5. Click OK, and OK again
6. Close and re-open your browser
If your internet browser is Internet Explorer 8:
1. Select Tools > Internet Options
2. Select Privacy tab then click the Edit or Sites button
3. Enter ‘’ into the text box
4. Click Allow
5. Click OK, and OK again
6. Close and re-open your browser
If your internet browser is Chrome:
1. Click the spanner in the top right
2. Choose 'Options'
3. Click on the 'Under the bonnet' tab
4. Under 'Cookie settings', choose 'Allow all cookies'
5. Click Close
If your internet browser is Firefox 3+:
1. Select Tools > Options
2. Click on the Privacy tab
3. Choose 'Remember history' or tick 'Accept cookies from sites'
4. Click OK
If your internet browser is Safari:
1. Click the Safari menu > preferences
2. Select Security icon
3. Under ‘Accept Cookies’ choose ‘Always’ or ‘Only from sites you navigate to’
4. Click OK
Please note: Apply4Law is unsuitable for Internet Explorer versions 5, 6 and 7. The latest version of Internet Explorer is available to download free here
If you continue to experience technical difficulties please contact with details of the problem.
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