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How do I ensure emails from the firm and application system arrive in my inbox? - Knowledgebase / General FAQ - AllHires

How do I ensure emails from the firm and application system arrive in my inbox?

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To ensure that you receive all emails regarding your application please add the firm domain you have applied to and ‘’ and '' to your safe senders/contacts list. A safe senders list (sometimes known as a whitelist) is a list of email addresses that you want to receive emails from. For guidelines on how to add to your safe senders list for some commonly used email providers, please see below.

Gmail inbox tabs

Gmail automatically classifies incoming email into categorised tabs in your inbox. Emails relating to your application may not go directly to the ‘primary’ tab so please check all tabs (e.g, promotions, updates etc). You are able to move emails across category tabs and when an email is moved from one tab to another you can choose to always put messages from that sender in the tab you have selected. For further information on how to amend or disable category tabs, see the Google article on here.


Add to contacts

Click ‘Gmail’ in the top-left corner of your Gmail home page, select ‘Contacts’.

Click the ‘Add to contacts’ icon in the top-left corner.

Enter ‘’ and ‘@[firmdomainhere].com’.

Click ‘Add’.

Hotmail /

Add to Safe List

Click the settings wheel icon in the top right hand corner of your Hotmail home page.

Select ‘More email settings’.

Under ‘preventing junk email’, select ‘Safe and blocked senders’, click ‘Safe senders’.

Enter ‘@[firmdomainhere].com’ and click ’Add to list’.

Enter ‘’ and click ’Add to list’.


Create filter

Click the settings wheel icon in the top right hand corner of your Yahoo home page - select 'Mail options'.

From the list of options in the bar on the left hand side of the screen select 'Filters' - click the 'Add' icon.

In the box next to 'sender contains' enter  ‘’ and  '@[firmnamehere].com'.

Make sure the box below 'then deliver the email to the following folder' has 'inbox' selected.

Click ‘Save’.

Apply4Law remote inbox

You are also able to view all firm correspondence on the remote correspondence log accessible from your Apply4law home page. We would encourage you to check this regularly.

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